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After the Storm Commercial Building Damage Check List for Property Owners and Management Companies

7/1/2024 (Permalink)

When overseeing a commercial property or building, ensuring the safety of tenants, employees, and property is a primary responsibility, especially in the aftermath of severe storm damage. Without proper preparation, dealing with such events can disrupt business operations and lead to significant long-term costs. With a comprehensive plan in place, however, you can swiftly restore your property and resume normal operations, safeguarding both your investment and the people who depend on it.

Storm Damage Checklist for Property Managers

Assessing the Damage

After ensuring it’s safe to inspect your property post-storm, assess the extent of damage thoroughly while prioritizing safety. Key areas to inspect include:

  • Exterior of the Building: Look for visible damage such as broken gutters, missing structural components, or roof gaps.
  • Interior of the Building: Check for water stains, damp insulation, leaks, and broken windows, particularly on lower floors and below-ground levels.
  • Roof: Examine for holes, missing shingles, potential leaks, and hail damage.
  • Trees: Be mindful of fallen trees or limbs, which can cause substantial damage.

Documenting the Damage

Take detailed photographs of all storm-related damage. These visuals will aid insurance assessments and claims processes.

Contacting Your Insurance Provider

Promptly notify your insurance company of the damage. Ensure your policy details are accessible for a streamlined claims process.

Engaging Storm Damage Professionals

Hire experienced storm damage professionals without delay to prevent secondary damage like mold. Their swift assessment and mitigation efforts are crucial for minimizing further property deterioration.

Protecting Your Commercial Property for Future Storms

Recognizing Responsibilities

As a commercial property owner, understand and fulfill your legal responsibilities to tenants. Seek guidance from legal and insurance experts to ensure comprehensive emergency preparedness.

Notifying and Preparing Tenants

Inform all occupants about emergency procedures through various communication channels. Advise them on creating emergency kits and securing personal documents during storms.

Document Preparation

In anticipation of severe weather, duplicate and securely store essential property documents and insurance details in digital formats or cloud storage for quick access during emergencies.

Securing Your Property

Before a storm hits, secure loose items, cover windows, and consider shutting off utilities to mitigate potential damage. Maintain a list of reliable contractors for post-storm repairs.

The SERVPRO of Memorial West, NW Houston Restoration Process

After storm damage strikes, SERVPRO of Memorial West stands ready to support your property recovery with:

  • Comprehensive Inspections: Our experts conduct detailed assessments to gauge damage extent.
  • Tailored Restoration Solutions: Utilizing advanced equipment like vacuums, pumps, and generators to expedite water removal and prevent mold.
  • Continuous Updates: We keep you informed throughout the restoration process, ensuring transparency and efficiency.

Contact SERVPRO of Memorial West, NW Houston Today

When disaster strikes your commercial property, trust SERVPRO of Memorial West, NW Houston to restore your property promptly and effectively. With our decades of experience and commitment to excellence, we ensure your property is prepared for storms and emergencies, offering 24/7 storm repair and emergency rehabilitation services.

Prepare your property with confidence. Contact us today to learn more about our storm restoration expertise and comprehensive service offerings.

Common Reason For Commercial Sewage Loss and Steps for Proper Clean Up

7/1/2024 (Permalink)

Commercial Business Sewage Clean Up Commercial Sewage Removal in Houston Texas

As a commercial business owner in the Houston area, you juggle numerous responsibilities—but dealing with sewage backup cleanup shouldn’t be one of them.

Let’s face it, sewage issues are unpleasant, involving a mix of water and human waste that no one wants to handle, especially not on a busy Friday morning at the office. If your commercial property faces a sewage backup, there’s no need to panic. Instead, turn to the experts at SERVPRO of Memorial West, NW Houston.

In this article, we delve into sewage backups, exploring their causes and the professional solutions available to address these messy situations.

Understanding Sewage Backups: Causes and Effects

What is a Sewer Backup and How Does it Occur?

Your commercial property’s sewer lines are constantly in use, handling wastewater from daily activities like handwashing and toilet flushing. Normally, this wastewater flows through the pipes to be treated at a local sewage facility.

However, a backup occurs when this process goes awry. Instead of flowing out as intended, wastewater reverses its course and floods into your property, often appearing in toilets or drains.

Common Causes of Sewage Backups

Sewage backups typically stem from clogs within the sewer system. These clogs can develop over time due to accumulations of debris like dirt, grease, and paper products. Improper items flushed down toilets, such as paper towels, are frequent culprits.

Additionally, damaged sewer pipes, potentially caused by factors like tree root intrusions or shifting in the ground, especially in the Memorial West areas can lead to backups. Aging pipes may also contribute, as materials degrade over time. In the Houston area,  heavy rainfall can overload sewer systems, exacerbating backup risks.

Signs of an Impending Sewage Backup

Recognizing early warning signs can prevent severe backups. Look out for:

  • Gurgling noises from drains, indicating air bubbles in the sewer line.
  • Foul sewage odors in bathrooms or throughout the building.
  • Water backing up into sinks or toilets, or pooling on floors.

The Sewage Backup Cleanup Process

During a cleanup appointment, swift action is crucial due to health risks posed by sewage. The process typically involves:

  • Water Extraction: Using state of the art advanced technology such as extractors, pumps, thermal imaging cameras and others to properly and quickly remove contaminated water efficiently.
  • Disposal: Discarding items that came into contact with sewage to prevent contamination and properly disposing of the contaminated materials according to OSHA and local city codes. 
  • Sanitization: Thoroughly cleaning and disinfecting the affected area to restore safety and hygiene.
  • Drying: Ensuring the space is completely dried to prevent mold growth and further damage.
  • Hiring: an OSHA certified and trained remediation company, like SERVPRO of Memorial West, NW Houston.

While the cleanup process may cause minor business disruptions, SERVPRO of Memorial West, NW Houston offers 24/7 emergency services to minimize downtime and restore your commercial property promptly.

For expert and certified assistance with sewage backup cleanup in the Houston area, contact SERVPRO of Memorial West, NW Houston today. We’re equipped with the expertise and resources to handle any sewage-related emergency effectively, ensuring your property returns to normal swiftly and safely. 

Are You Storm Ready? Make Sure These Essentials Are in Your Go Bag

6/18/2024 (Permalink)

Backpack filled with Storm Essentials Make sure you have a bag packed and ready to go during storm season.

It is crucial to prepare yourself and your family with a well-equipped go bag for storm season. Whether you're facing hurricanes, floods, or severe thunderstorms, having the right essentials on hand can make a significant difference in your safety and comfort during emergencies.

Here's a checklist to ensure your go bag is stocked and ready for any storm:

  1. Rain Poncho - A durable rain poncho is essential to keep you dry during wet weather conditions. It's lightweight and easy to pack, ensuring you stay comfortable despite the rain.
  2. Blanket - Include a warm blanket or thermal emergency blanket to keep you cozy in case of cold temperatures or shock situations. Explore our recommended emergency blankets.
  3. Phone Charger and Power Bank - Keep your devices charged with a portable phone charger and power bank. This allows you to stay connected with loved ones and emergency services even if the power goes out. Choose a reliable power bank.
  4. First Aid Kit - A well-stocked first aid kit is essential for treating minor injuries and medical emergencies. Include bandages, antiseptic wipes, medications, and any specific items you may need. Get a comprehensive first aid kit here.
  5. Toiletries - Pack basic toiletries such as toothbrush, toothpaste, hand sanitizer, and personal hygiene items for comfort and cleanliness.
  6. Week Supply of Medications - Ensure you have at least a week's supply of any essential medications you or your family members need. Keep them in their original containers with clear labels.
  7. Flashlight - A reliable flashlight with extra batteries is crucial for navigating in the dark or during power outages.
  8. Water and Non-Perishable Food - Pack bottled water and non-perishable food items like energy bars or canned goods. Aim for at least a three-day supply per person.
  9. Batteries - Have spare batteries for your flashlight and any other battery-powered devices you might need.
  10. Spare Set of Keys - Include a spare set of keys to your house and car in case your primary set gets lost or damaged.
  11. ID Cards and Important Documentation - Keep copies of your identification cards (driver's license, passport) and important documents (insurance policies, medical records, emergency contacts) in a waterproof container or sealed plastic bag.
  12. Hand Crank Radio - Stay informed with a hand crank radio that doesn't rely on electricity. It provides access to weather updates and emergency broadcasts, ensuring you're aware of changing conditions. Browse our selection of hand crank radios. Local Stations that you can turn to for new include: KTRH 740 AM, KPRC 950 AM, KUHF 88.7 FM, and KHOU 88.7 FM

By preparing a well-stocked go bag with these essentials, you're taking proactive steps to protect yourself and your family during storm emergencies. Remember to review and refresh your go bag periodically, replacing any expired items and adjusting supplies based on changing needs. Stay safe and know SERVPRO of Memorial West, NW Houston is always here for your storm clean up needs.

Top Causes of Water Damage in Houston Homes

6/18/2024 (Permalink)

Water Damage in a Houston, TX Home Water Damage in a Houston, TX Property

Water damage is a common and often costly issue for homeowners in Houston, TX. Whether due to severe weather events, plumbing issues, or appliance malfunctions, water damage can wreak havoc on your property if not addressed promptly. Understanding the primary causes can help you take preventive measures and mitigate potential risks.

Here are the top causes of water damage in Houston homes:

  1. Severe Weather and Flooding - Houston is no stranger to severe weather, including hurricanes, tropical storms, and heavy rainfall. These weather events can lead to flooding, especially in low-lying areas or neighborhoods prone to drainage problems. Floodwaters can infiltrate homes through windows, doors, and even foundations, causing extensive water damage to floors, walls, and belongings.
  2. Burst Pipes and Plumbing Leaks - Cold snaps during winter or aging plumbing systems can cause pipes to freeze and burst, leading to significant water leaks once the pipes thaw. Additionally, worn-out seals, corrosion, or high water pressure can contribute to plumbing leaks in kitchens, bathrooms, or utility rooms. These leaks often go unnoticed for some time, causing hidden water damage and mold growth.
  3. Appliance Failures - Household appliances such as washing machines, dishwashers, refrigerators with ice makers, and water heaters can malfunction and cause water damage. Supply hoses can rupture, seals can degrade, and internal components can fail, leading to leaks that spread water throughout the home. 
  4. Roof Leaks - Damaged or aging roofs can allow water to seep into the attic and ceilings during heavy rains or storms. Missing or cracked shingles, deteriorated flashing, or clogged gutters can all contribute to roof leaks. 
  5. HVAC System Issues - Air conditioning units and HVAC systems produce condensation as they operate, which is typically drained away. However, clogged drain lines or faulty condensation pumps can cause water to accumulate and overflow, leading to water damage in ceilings, walls, or floors near the HVAC unit.

Preventive Measures and Professional Assistance

Preventing water damage starts with awareness and proactive maintenance:

  • Regular inspections: Check plumbing systems, appliances, and roof conditions regularly.
  • Maintain gutters: Ensure gutters are clear to prevent water backup and roof leaks.
  • Monitor water bills: A sudden increase could indicate a hidden leak.
  • Upgrade appliances: Choose models with leak detection features or reinforced hoses.

Despite precautions, accidents happen. If your Houston home experiences water damage, prompt action is crucial. Contact SERVPRO of Memorial West, NW Houston for professional water damage restoration services. Our expert team is available 24/7 to mitigate damage, dry out affected areas, and restore your home to its pre-damage condition.

Tornado Safety in Houston, Texas: Comprehensive Guidelines for Preparation and Protection

5/14/2024 (Permalink)

Help with Storm Clean Up, Water Damage Cleaning, Tornado Safety, Tornado Alerts Houston doesn't generally see tornado activity, but in the past few years, we have seen more activity from Jersey Village, Katy and other areas.

Tornadoes, though infrequent in Houston, Texas, can pose significant risks to life and property when they occur. Understanding how to prepare for these violent storms and what actions to take during and after an event is essential for safeguarding yourself and your loved ones. Here's an in-depth look at tornado safety measures tailored to Houston residents:

Before the Storm:

  1. Assess Tornado Risk: While tornadoes are less common in Houston compared to other regions, it's crucial to recognize the potential threat they pose. Stay informed about tornado probabilities in your area and be prepared to act accordingly.

  2. Develop a Comprehensive Plan: Create a detailed disaster preparedness plan with your family. This plan should include designated shelter locations within your home, an emergency kit stocked with essentials like food, water, first aid supplies, and important documents, as well as a communication strategy for staying in touch during emergencies.

  3. Familiarize Yourself with Tornado Signs: Learn to recognize the warning signs of an approaching tornado, such as dark, rotating clouds, hail, or a distinct roaring noise. Stay updated on weather forecasts and advisories from reputable sources.

  4. Secure Your Property: Take proactive measures to reinforce your home's structural integrity, such as installing impact-resistant windows, reinforcing garage doors, and securing outdoor furniture and loose objects that could become hazardous projectiles in high winds.

During the Storm:

  1. Seek Shelter Immediately: If a tornado warning is issued for your area, seek shelter in a sturdy, well-built structure. If you're at home, move to the lowest level, preferably a basement or an interior room without windows. In multi-story buildings, avoid elevators and seek refuge on the lowest floor, away from windows and exterior walls.

  2. Take Cover and Protect Yourself: Once inside a secure location, take cover under a sturdy piece of furniture or use mattresses, cushions, or heavy blankets to shield yourself from flying debris. Cover your head and neck with your arms and hands for added protection.

  3. Avoid Mobile Homes and Vehicles: If you're in a mobile home or vehicle when a tornado warning is issued, abandon them immediately and seek shelter in a nearby building or designated storm shelter. Vehicles offer little protection against tornado-force winds and flying debris.

  4. Stay Informed: Keep a battery-powered weather radio or mobile device handy to receive updates from the National Weather Service and local authorities. Follow their instructions and remain vigilant until the storm has passed.

After the Storm:

  1. Wait for the All-Clear: Once the immediate threat has passed, wait for official clearance from local authorities before venturing outside. Be cautious of downed power lines, structural damage, and other hazards.

  2. Check for Damage: Inspect your property for any signs of damage or structural compromise. If you encounter fallen power lines or gas leaks, contact emergency services immediately.

  3. Assist Those in Need: Check on your neighbors, especially elderly or vulnerable individuals, to ensure their safety. Offer assistance to those in need and report any injuries or emergencies to the appropriate authorities.

By taking proactive measures to prepare for tornadoes and knowing how to respond during and after a storm, you can minimize the risks associated with these powerful natural events and ensure the safety and well-being of yourself and your community. Remember, preparedness and vigilance are key to weathering the storm effectively.

For comprehensive remediation services and repairs in the aftermath of a tornado, contact SERVPRO of Memorial West, NW Houston. Our trained professionals are equipped to handle the cleanup and restoration of properties affected by tornado damage, helping you recover quickly and safely.


Is DYI Mold Removal Possible, Houston, Texas?

5/13/2024 (Permalink)

Safe Mold Removal, DYI Mold Removal, best steps for removing mold in a home Best DYI ways to remove mold in your home or business in Houston, Texas

Is DIY Mold Removal Possiin Houston, Texas?

It has been a wet Spring here in Houston. When it’s wet, mold loves to grow and multiply. While the idea of tackling mold removal yourself may seem appealing, it's important to consider the potential risks and limitations involved. Mold infestations can escalate quickly, leading to further damage and health concerns if not addressed promptly and properly. Before trying to tackle a DIY mold removal project, it's crucial to weigh the pros and cons and understand when it's appropriate to seek professional assistance. 

When to Consider DIY Mold Removal:

  1. Easy-to-Remove Mold: If the mold growth is minimal and easily removable, DIY removal may be feasible. Conducting a bleach test can help determine whether the mold is responsive to cleaning efforts.
  2. Limited Infestation: If the affected area is less than 10 square feet and confined to nonporous surfaces like glass, sinks, or tile, DIY removal may be manageable.
  3. No Health Concerns: If there are no vulnerable individuals in the household, such as children, elderly individuals, or immunocompromised individuals, DIY removal may be considered safer.

When to Seek Professional Help:

  1. Extensive Infestation: If the mold infestation exceeds 10 square feet or is widespread throughout the property, professional intervention is recommended.
  2. Uncertainty About Mold Type or Source: If you're unsure about the type of mold present, its source, or the extent of the infestation, consulting SERVPRO of Memorial West, NW Houston to assist with the mold remediation is advisable.
  3. Mold in HVAC Systems or Enclosed Areas: Mold growth in HVAC systems or within walls requires specialized expertise and equipment for thorough removal.
  4. Hidden Mold: Mold growth in concealed areas, such as behind walls or under flooring, may require professional inspection and remediation.
  5. Health Concerns: If you or your family members experience mold allergy symptoms or have respiratory conditions, professional mold remediation is essential to minimize health risks.

Preparing for DIY Mold Removal:

Before embarking on DIY mold removal, it's essential to take the following precautions:

  1. Conduct Research: Familiarize yourself with mold remediation guidelines provided by reputable sources such as the EPA and 
  2. Identify Infested Areas: Thoroughly inspect your property to locate mold growth and identify potential sources of moisture.
  3. Wear Protective Gear: Equip yourself with appropriate protective gear, including an N-95 respirator, gloves, goggles, and disposable clothing.
  4. Use Effective Cleaning Products: Choose mold cleaning products that are effective for the type of mold and surface being treated, avoiding bleach for porous materials.
  5. Ensure Proper Ventilation: Maintain adequate ventilation during the removal process to minimize airborne mold spores.

DIY Mold Remediation Process:

Follow these steps for effective DIY mold removal:

  1. Seal Off the Area: Contain the affected area to prevent mold spores from spreading to other parts of the property.
  2. Clean Moldy Surfaces: Use appropriate cleaning products and scrub brushes to remove mold from surfaces.
  3. Dry and Seal Moldy Areas: Thoroughly dry cleaned surfaces and apply a sealant to prevent mold regrowth.
  4. Dispose of Contaminated Materials: Safely dispose of materials contaminated with mold, such as carpets or debris.
  5. Post-Cleaning Measures: Vacuum the area with a HEPA filter vacuum and address any lingering moisture issues to prevent mold recurrence.

When to Contact a Certified Mold Remediation Specialist like SERVPRO of Memorial West, NW Houston:

  1. Extensive Damage: If the mold infestation covers more than 10 square feet or extends beyond visible surfaces, professional intervention is necessary. Certified mold remediation specialists have the expertise and equipment to address large-scale mold problems effectively.
  2. Complex Situations: Mold growth in HVAC systems, enclosed spaces, or hidden areas like behind walls requires specialized knowledge and techniques for thorough removal. Certified professionals can conduct comprehensive inspections and implement targeted remediation strategies.
  3. Health Concerns: If you or your family members experience mold allergy symptoms, respiratory issues, or other health problems related to mold exposure, it's crucial to seek professional assistance. Certified mold remediation specialists can assess health risks, implement containment measures, and ensure safe removal practices to protect occupants' health.
  4. Uncertain Mold Type or Source: If you're unsure about the type of mold present, its source, or the extent of the infestation, consulting a certified mold remediation specialist is essential. They can conduct mold testing, identify underlying moisture issues, and develop tailored remediation plans based on professional assessment.
  5. Comprehensive Solutions: Certified mold remediation specialists like SERVPRO of Memorial West, NW Houston offer comprehensive solutions beyond surface cleaning. We address underlying moisture problems, implement preventive measures, and provide post-remediation testing to ensure the effectiveness of the remediation process.


While DIY mold removal may be suitable for minor infestations under specific conditions, certain situations require the expertise of certified mold remediation specialists like SERVPRO of Memorial West, NW Houston. With specialized training, advanced equipment, and proven techniques, our certified team of specialist will safely and effectively address mold issues, ensuring the health and safety of occupants and the long-term integrity of the property.

Title: The Hidden Menace: HVAC Pan Overflow - Prevention, Signs, and Remediation

5/10/2024 (Permalink)

Overflow Pan Leaking, water damage from HVAC system, ceiling water stains Don't let your HVAC overflow pan cause mold and water damage. Keeping your HVAC system maintained is crucial, especially with the hot Houston summers.

During the scorching Houston summer, there's a silent threat lurking within our homes - the HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) pan overflow. As temperatures soar and humidity levels skyrocket, our HVAC systems work tirelessly to keep us cool and comfortable. However, this continuous operation can sometimes lead to unexpected consequences, including water damage and mold growth, if the HVAC pan overflows.

Signs of a HVAC Pan Overflow:

  1. Water Stains: Keep an eye out for water stains on ceilings, walls, or near the HVAC unit. These stains may indicate that water has leaked from the pan and caused damage to your home's interior.
  2. Musty Odors: A musty or moldy smell in your home could be a sign of hidden water damage or mold growth caused by an overflowing HVAC pan.
  3. Visible Mold: Mold thrives in moist environments, making an overflowed HVAC pan an ideal breeding ground. If you notice any signs of mold growth around your HVAC unit or in nearby areas, it's essential to address the issue promptly.
  4. Pooling Water: Check around the base of your HVAC unit for any pooling water, as this may indicate that the pan is overflowing and leaking water onto the floor.

Prevention Measures:

  1. Regular Maintenance: Schedule routine maintenance for your HVAC system to ensure that it's functioning correctly and that the pan is clean and free of debris.
  2. Inspect the Pan: Periodically inspect the HVAC pan for signs of damage or corrosion, and replace it if necessary. Additionally, consider installing a secondary drain pan as a backup measure.
  3. Monitor Humidity Levels: Keep an eye on indoor humidity levels, especially during hot and humid weather. High humidity can increase the likelihood of an HVAC pan overflow, so use a dehumidifier if needed.
  4. Professional Inspection: Hire a professional HVAC technician to inspect your system annually and address any potential issues before they escalate.

When SERVPRO of Memorial West, NW Houston Can Help:

If you've experienced water damage or suspect mold growth due to an HVAC pan overflow, SERVPRO of Memorial West, NW Houston is here to assist you. Our team of trained professionals specializes in water damage restoration and mold remediation, utilizing advanced techniques and equipment to restore your home to its pre-damage condition.

We understand the urgency of water damage situations and offer 24/7 emergency services to quickly mitigate the problem and prevent further damage to your property. From water extraction and drying to mold removal and deodorization, we'll work efficiently to restore your home and provide peace of mind.

Don't let an HVAC pan overflow wreak havoc on your home. With proactive prevention measures and the prompt assistance of SERVPRO of Memorial West, NW Houston, you can safeguard your home against water damage and mold growth, ensuring a safe and comfortable living environment for you and your family.

In conclusion, while the hot and humid Houston summers can put a strain on our HVAC systems, it's essential to remain vigilant and proactive in preventing and addressing potential issues such as pan overflows. By staying informed, implementing preventive measures, and knowing when to seek professional assistance, you can protect your home from the damaging effects of water and mold.

The Importance of Reviewing Your Flood Insurance Policy Before It’s Too Late.

5/9/2024 (Permalink)

Flood Insurance Coverage, Am I Covered Storms and flooding happens through out the year in Houston, but does your homeowner's insurance policy cover flooding and hurricanes?

As hurricane season is right around the corner, it's crucial to take proactive measures to protect your home and possessions from the potential havoc of nature. One of the most critical steps in hurricane preparedness is ensuring you have flood insurance. Flood insurance serves as a vital safeguard, offering financial security and peace of mind during and after hurricanes or any flooding event. In this blog, we'll explore the importance of flood insurance and why it's essential to review your policy regularly.

Understanding the risk hurricanes, tropical storms, and heavy rainfall can result in severe flooding, causing extensive damage to homes, properties, and infrastructure. Floodwaters can infiltrate your living space, causing destruction to furniture, appliances, flooring, and the structural integrity of your home. The costs associated with flood damage can be significant, often necessitating substantial financial resources for repair or reconstruction.

Contrary to common belief, standard homeowner's insurance policies typically do not cover flood damage. This misconception can have severe financial consequences, leaving homeowners without sufficient coverage when flooding occurs. Recognizing this gap in coverage is crucial, prompting proactive steps to secure a separate flood insurance policy. It is important to speaking to your insurance agent to discuss additional flood coverage, especially in many flood prone areas in our Houston area.

Benefits of Flood Insurance Financial Protection

Flood insurance provides financial protection against the costly aftermath of a flood. It covers structural damage to your home, including the foundation, walls, electrical systems, plumbing, and major appliances. Without flood insurance, you may be responsible for covering these expenses, potentially straining your finances. SERVPRO of Memorial West, NW Houston is preferred contractor with State Farm, Farmers, Chubbs, Allstate, USAA, and many others.

Contents Coverage

Personal belongings within your home can also be impacted by storms. Flood insurance often includes coverage for furniture, electronics, clothing, and other valuables, helping mitigate potential losses.


Concerned about potential out-of-pocket costs after a severe storm? Flood insurance offers security, providing relief knowing you're protected from the unpredictable weather events of nature. With your finances secured, you can focus on your family's well-being.

The Importance of Reviewing Your Policy It's crucial to regularly review your policy for the following reasons:

Policy Adequacy: Ensure your flood insurance policy adequately covers your home and belongings based on their current value.

Understanding Coverage: Take the time to understand what your flood insurance policy covers and what it doesn't. Clarify any doubts with your insurance provider.

Policy Exclusions: Be aware of any exclusions or limitations in your policy to avoid surprises during a flood event.

Policy Updates: Insurance policies can change over time without notice. Stay up-to-date with the latest policy terms and conditions.

Emergency Contact Information: Confirm you have the correct contact details for your insurance company and agent in case of an emergency.

Flood insurance can be a lifesaver in protecting your home. If flooding has affected your property, don't hesitate to call SERVPRO of Memorial West, NW Houston. With extensive experience in handling flood damage, our team uses advanced technology and techniques to restore your property and peace of mind. Reach out to us today at 281-809-5302 for swift water damage restoration services.

2024 Hurricane Season and Being Prepared in Houston

5/9/2024 (Permalink)

How to prepare for Hurricane Season 2024 in Houston It's less than 30 days until the official start of the 2024 Hurricane Season. Houston, now is the time to start preparing before storms hit our area.

Where will the impact of hurricane season be most pronounced? Forecasts suggest that the Gulf Coast, spanning states such as Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama, will bear the brunt of severe weather conditions. Research from CSU indicates a notable increase in the likelihood of landfall along the Gulf Coast, with a 42 percent probability during the 2024 hurricane season, surpassing the historical average of 27 percent.  Preparedness is key when facing fierce hurricanes. Here are essential guidelines to ensure your safety and the protection of your property before, during, and after a hurricane strikes:

  1. Develop an Emergency Plan: Craft a comprehensive emergency plan before a hurricane hits. Ensure every household member comprehends their role, establish evacuation routes, designate meeting points, and establish communication methods to stay connected during the storm. Tailor your plan to accommodate the needs of elderly relatives, children, and pets.
  2. Prepare an Emergency Kit: Compile a well-stocked emergency kit capable of sustaining your family for at least 72 hours. Include non-perishable food, drinking water, medications, flashlights, batteries, a battery-powered radio, first aid supplies, cash, important documents, and a portable phone charger. Regularly check and refresh perishable items' expiry dates.
  3. Secure Your Property: Mitigate potential damage to your property by taking preventive measures. Trim trees, remove loose branches, reinforce windows with storm shutters or plywood, and relocate outdoor furniture and grills indoors. Consider investing in a backup generator and ensure its safe operation.
  4. Review Insurance Coverage: Assess your homeowner’s insurance policy to ensure adequate coverage for hurricane-related damages. Understand your coverage details, deductibles, and exclusions. If necessary, acquire flood insurance, as standard policies typically exclude flood damage. Store essential insurance documents in a waterproof, easily accessible location.
  5. Safeguard Important Documents: Gather essential paperwork such as financial records, birth certificates, passports, insurance policies, and property deeds. Store them in a waterproof, portable container or digitize and upload them to secure cloud storage for easy access during post-storm recovery.
  6. Stay Informed: Stay abreast of the hurricane's progress by monitoring reliable weather sources like the National Hurricane Center, local news, or weather apps. Heed evacuation orders, track storm movements, and remain informed about changes in intensity. Utilize resources like Harris County Flood Maps to assess flood risk in your area and maintain an updated list of available hurricane shelters.
  7. Evacuation Planning: If residing in storm surge-prone areas or receiving mandatory evacuation orders, evacuate promptly. Plan your route, ensure vehicle readiness, and pack essentials from your emergency kit to avoid traffic congestion and hazardous conditions.
  8. Remain Indoors: If evacuation isn't required, designate a safe, windowless interior room on the lowest level of your home. Stock it with emergency supplies and seek shelter there throughout the storm, using heavy furniture or mattresses as shields against flying debris.
  9. Inspect Your Home After the Storm: After assessing the damage to your home post-storm, it's essential to take swift and appropriate action to mitigate further harm and begin the recovery process. Start by addressing any immediate safety concerns, such as securing unstable structures or turning off utilities if necessary. If water damage is present, prioritize drying out affected areas to prevent mold growth and further structural deterioration. Remove standing water promptly and use fans, dehumidifiers, or professional drying equipment to expedite the drying process. Contact your insurance provider to report the damage and initiate the claims process. Keep detailed records of all communication, including photographs or videos of the damage, and maintain receipts for any expenses incurred during the cleanup and restoration efforts. Depending on the extent of the damage, you may need to enlist the help of qualified professionals like SERVPRO of Memorial West, NW Houston for thorough restoration and repair services. Their expertise and specialized equipment can help restore your home to its pre-storm condition efficiently and effectively, allowing you to return to normalcy as soon as possible.

Preparation, proactive measures, and awareness are essential for hurricane readiness. By adhering to these vital guidelines, you can ensure the safety of yourself, your loved ones, and your property. Remember, it's always better to be overly prepared than to be caught off guard by nature's forces. Stay safe, stay vigilant, and be prepared to weather the storm.

Understanding Flood Insurance in Houston: A Comprehensive Guide

5/9/2024 (Permalink)

water damage, flood damage, fire damage and mold clean up experts. SERVPRO of Memorial West, NW Houston have been in the industry for almost 20 years helping home owners and business owners with restoration services

Houston, Texas, known for its vibrant culture and dynamic economy, is also prone to flooding due to its geographical location and weather patterns. For homeowners and businesses in Houston, having the right flood insurance coverage is crucial for protecting their investments and properties. In this blog post, we will explore the two types of flood insurance available, as well as the waiting periods associated with them, specifically in the Houston area.

Types of Flood Insurance: National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) vs. Private Flood Insurance

National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP): Established by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), the NFIP is a government-backed program that offers flood insurance to property owners, renters, and businesses in participating communities. NFIP policies typically have fixed coverage limits for both structural and contents damage.

Private Flood Insurance: In recent years, private insurers have entered the flood insurance market, offering alternative coverage options to the NFIP. Private flood insurance policies may provide higher coverage limits, more flexible terms, and additional benefits not available through the NFIP. However, eligibility and pricing for private flood insurance can vary significantly depending on factors such as location, property type, and flood risk.

Waiting Periods for Flood Insurance in Houston

NFIP Waiting Period: For homeowners and businesses purchasing flood insurance through the NFIP, there is typically a 30-day waiting period before coverage takes effect. This means that policyholders must wait 30 days from the date of purchase before they are fully covered for flood damage. It's essential to plan ahead and purchase NFIP flood insurance well in advance of any anticipated flood events to ensure full coverage.

Private Flood Insurance Waiting Period: The waiting period for private flood insurance policies can vary depending on the insurer and the terms of the policy. Some insurers may offer shorter waiting periods or even immediate coverage options, while others may have waiting periods similar to the NFIP. It's important for property owners to carefully review the terms and conditions of their private flood insurance policy to understand the waiting period and any other coverage limitations.

SERVPRO of Memorial West, NW Houston: Your Partner in Flood Recovery

In the unfortunate event of a flood, having a reliable partner for cleanup and restoration is essential for minimizing damage and restoring your property to its pre-flood condition. SERVPRO of Memorial West, NW Houston, is a trusted leader in the restoration industry, providing 24/7 emergency services to homeowners and businesses in the Houston area.

With a team of highly trained technicians and state-of-the-art equipment, SERVPRO of Memorial West, NW Houston, is equipped to handle flood damage of any size and scale. From water extraction and drying to mold remediation and reconstruction, they offer comprehensive flood restoration services to help property owners get back on their feet quickly.

By understanding the two types of flood insurance available and the waiting periods associated with them, homeowners and businesses in Houston can make informed decisions to protect their properties and investments. In the event of a flood, partnering with a trusted restoration company like SERVPRO of Memorial West, NW Houston, is crucial. As a preferred insurance company contractor, SERVPRO will not only provide comprehensive flood restoration services, but will walk you through the entire insurance process, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free experience during the recover process. Trust your local restoration experts at SERVPRO of Memorial West, NW Houston.